
"Who am I?" - Retreat

Under the guidance of Master Shi Yan Yi (Taema Zimo Jun)

This retreat is about the existential questions that concern every human being: 

Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? 

What may sound very simple and banal is about nothing less than finding our inner center, our inner balance and harmony. According to Buddhist understanding, the only way to lasting and enduring happiness and peace is the state of "enlightenment" - actually "awakening" - Bodhi. 

This is the central theme of Buddhism. What sounds complex and mythical to many people, even unattainable, is in fact nothing esoteric or elitist. As the Buddha said: Anyone can achieve it and anyone can realize it. It springs from our very own nature. 

These lectures are intended to give impulses that lead in the right direction, to the core content of the above-mentioned questions: Enlightenment.  

This retreat will focus on the only exit to our sufferings and present the Buddhist teachings of wakeup and enlightenment in a modern way. 

Master Shi Yan Yi is an awakened master and a great spiritual teacher who holds his seminars with great clarity and from whose wisdom many people can benefit, but who says of himself: "I have nothing to give!”


"Before thinking, your mind was like a piece of white paper. 

Then you wrote down the 'One' and 'God' and 'Nothing' and so on and so on.

If you cut off all thinking, then you erase all names and forms and

return to the original emptiness." 

Dae Soen Sa Nim.


The complete retreat is from Friday 14.00 hrs to Sunday 12.00 hrs 

On Friday evening there will be a lecture by Master Shi Yan Yi at 19.00 o'clock for those who are interested at short notice and those who would like to join the retreat on Saturday and Sunday can still book it. An entry on Saturday and Sunday is still possible as the individual parts of the retreat can be booked separately and do not necessarily build on each other. 

The retreat is held in German and English and is also suitable for people who only speak English or German. 

Friday            13.00 hrs.       Admission to the monastery

                       14.00 hrs.       Official welcoming and explanations

                       15.30 hrs.       Talk by Master Shi Yan Yi

                       16.30 hrs.       Break

                       17.00 hrs.       Meditation

                       18.00 hrs.       Dinner

                       19.00 hrs.       Talk by Master Shi Yan Yi

                       20.00 hrs.       Questions & Answers

                       21.00 hrs.       Ceremony

                       21.30 hrs.       End of the day


Saturday        07.00 hrs.       Meditation

                       08.00 hrs.       Breakfast

                       09.00 hrs.       Talk by Master Shi Yan Yi

                       10.00 hrs.       Meditation / Qi Gong

                       11.30 hrs.       Questions & Answers

                       13.00 hrs.       Lunch

                       14.00 hrs.       Break

                       15.00 hrs.       Talk by Master Shi Yan Yi

                       16.00 hrs.       Questions & Answers

                       17.00 hrs.       Break / Meditation

                       18.00 hrs.       Dinner

                       19.00 hrs.       Talk by Master Shi Yan Yi

                       20.00 hrs.       Questions & Answers

                       21.00 hrs.       Ceremony

                       21.30 hrs.       End of the day


Sunday          07.00 hrs.       Meditation

                       08.00 hrs.       Breakfast

                       09.00 hrs.       Talk by Master Shi Yan Yi

                       10.00 hrs.       Meditation

                       11.30 hrs.       Questions & Answers

                       12.30 hrs.       Ending ceremony

                       13.00 hrs.       Lunch

                       14.00 hrs.       End of the Retreat


To register, please contact us directly:

Shaolin Temple Europe
Weinbrunnerhof 4-6
67697 Otterberg
Tel.: 06301 / 799 98 99